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Musée du Quai Branly guide book. Edition en anglais

Musée du Quai Branly guide book. Edition en anglais - Photo 0

Musée du Quai Branly guide book. Edition en anglais

2,74 Neuf 15,00 €
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Richly illustrated, the musée du quai Branly guide book opens the doors to the institution's rich cultural heritage. Its opening pages provide an overview of the building designed by Jean Nouvel, followed by the presentation of the permanent collections arranged according to the sequence of the visit, crossing the four continents that make up the collections: Oceania, Asia, Africa and the Americas. It breaks information down into different levels: main text divided into sections, focusing on the items on permanent display, boxes on various cross-cutting themes, on major historical landmarks, on a particular series of objects or on a technique, chronological tables and maps. It also touches on other areas that make up museum life: the tower of musical instruments, the voyage along "La Rivière", and the mediatheque. Lastly, it gives practical information about the museum (temporary exhibitions, the auditorium, the mediatheque) and departments open to visitors. This guide book serves not only as an initiation tool to make the visit a more meaningful experience, but it also provides deeper insight into the art and culture of the continents represented in the museum.
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