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Paris' lights

Paris' lights - Photo 0

Paris' lights

34,89 Neuf 37,50 €
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This beautiful book carries us along a very special Parisian walk that enables us to discover today's Paris, the Parisians' Paris. The photographs take us from a period to another, from a quarter to another, from the XIIth century Notre-Dame to the Great Library of the XXIst century. A short text going straight to the essential retraces the history of the capital going back to the Parisii of the île de la Cité, evoking the history and the great works undertook along the centuries to clean up the city, make it bigger and give it its presentday silhouette, where old and new merge for the greatest pleasure of all. The secret of Paris perhaps lies in the fact that it managed to preserve the best of every period while renewing itself all the time. If Paris and photography get on well, it is probably due to all those different lights which bathe the stones, the trees and the river Seine. Here, Hervé Champollion displays this fantastic diversity which enables each monument to be reborn with every change in the sun's position, offering us some of his most beautiful photographs, sometimes unexpected, of Paris.
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Précisions sur l'état
Photo non contractuelle. Envoi rapide et soigné.
Biographie de l'auteur
After studying history and geography, Hervé Champollion worked in the publishing industry before devoting himself entirely to photography. He recently published various books with Hermé. Aude de Tocqueville is the author of many books on art, heritage and cultural tourism.
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