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The house of mathematics. Edition en anglais

The house of mathematics. Edition en anglais - Photo 0

The house of mathematics. Edition en anglais

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A wander down the corridors of the Institut Henri Poincaré, the French "house of mathematics", might provide a few answers. Mathematician Cédric Villani and physicist Jean-Philippe Uzan invite you to explore their universe and the people init. Vincent Moncorgé's stunning photos guide you through the often mysterious process of how science happens. The many aspects of mathematics, be they scientific, aesthetic, poetic, are presented from a variety of perspectives : the abundant sources of inspiration for researchers, the deep well of their creativity, the imaginary world of mathematics in literature and art, not forgetting the mathematicians themselves. Travel to the heart of this mathematical haven, a French-style campus attracting hundreds of visiting researchers from around the world. Known for its scientific emulation and discussions, this unique institution is a key contributor to the reputation of the French mathematical school.
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Biographie de l'auteur
Cédric Villani, 2010 Fields medallist, is a professor at Université de Lyon and a member of the Académie des Sciences. A specialist in mathematical analysis, he has worked on the mathematical theory of gases and plasmas and on non-Euclidian geometry. He has been the director of IHP since 2009. He is the author of Birth of a Theorem (2012). Jean-Philippe Uzan is a research director at CNRS and works at the Institut d'astrophysique de Paris. A specialist in cosmology and gravitation, he is also the deputy director of IHP. Vincent Moncorgé, a freelance photographer, co-authored La Science en personnes with Yvan Schneiderlin (preface by Claudie Haigneré), published in 2007 and Orfèvres de la lumière with Marie-Pauline Gacoin (preface by Yves Coppens), published in 2010. With contributions from Nalini Anantharaman, François Apéry, Alain Bénichou, Michel Broué, Alain Comtet, Michel Demazure, Maria J. Esteban, Etienne Ghys, Quentin Lazzarotto, Joel Lebowitz, Ariane Mézard, Marc Peigné, Jérôme Perez, Diaraf Seck, Li Ta-Tsien, Emmanuel Trélat and Brigitte Yvon-Deyme.
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