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The Atlee Pine thriller : Daylight. Edition en anglais

Broché de David Baldacci
The Atlee Pine thriller : Daylight. Edition en anglais - Photo 0

The Atlee Pine thriller : Daylight. Edition en anglais

Broché de David Baldacci
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The Atlee Pine thriller : Daylight. Edition en anglais
FBI agent Atlee Pine's search for her twin sister, Mercy, coincides with military investigator John Puller's high-stakes case, leading them both into a global conspiracy from which neither of them will escape unscathed. The hunt. Ever since Mercy was abducted aged six, Atlee has been relentless in her search for her. Finally, she gets her most promising breakthrough yet - the identity of her sister's kidnapper. The capture. As Atlee and her assistant, Carol Blum, race to track down the suspect, they run into Pine's old friend and fellow agent. John Puller, who is investigating the suspects family for another crime. The kill. Working together, Pine and Putter must pull back the layers of deceit, lies and cover-ups that strike at the very heart of global democracy. And the truth about what happened to Mercy will finally be revealed. That truth will shock Atlee Pine to her very core.
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