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Small Great Things. Edition en anglais

Broché - 2016 de Jodi Picoult
Small Great Things. Edition en anglais - Photo 0

Small Great Things. Edition en anglais

Broché - 2016 de Jodi Picoult
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Small Great Things. Edition en anglais
RUTH is a nurse who lives in a good neighbourhood, with a son of whom she could not be more proud. KENNEDY is a lawyer who prides herself on the work she does with disadvantaged minorities. TURK is a man who believes in the ultimate supremacy of the white race — devastated by the tragic death of his newborn son. As a grieving father cries for justice, the hospital seeks a scapegoat : and Ruth could lose everything she has worked so hard to build. There is a fire raging, and we have two choices : we can turn our backs, or we can try to fight it. Yes, talking about racism is hard to do, and yes, we stumble over the words — but we who are white need to have this discussion among ourselves. Because then, even more of us will overhear, and — I hope — the conversation will spread. Author's note
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