Bon état

Nights of rain and stars

Broché de Maeve Binchy
Nights of rain and stars - Photo 0

Nights of rain and stars

Broché de Maeve Binchy
Bon état


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Nights of rain and stars
Four strangers meet in a Greek taverna high above the small village of Aghia Anna. From Ireland, America, Germany and England, they have each left their homes and their old lives, when a shocking tragedy throws them unexpectedly together. Fiona is trying to make her family understand her need to follow her own path. Thomas desperately misses his young son and fears that his ex-wife will come between them. Elsa abandoned a successful career, but someone from her past refuses to let her go. And shy, quiet David is determined to make a stand against his overbearing father. Nights of Rain and Stars is the story of one summer and four people, each with a life in turmoil. With the help of Vonni, an Irish woman who lives in the village and is now a near-native, they find solutions - though not necessarily the ones they anticipated...
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