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Into Africa. The Dramatic Retelling of the Stanley-Livingstone Story

Broché de Martin Dugard
Into Africa. The Dramatic Retelling of the Stanley-Livingstone Story - Photo 0

Into Africa. The Dramatic Retelling of the Stanley-Livingstone Story

Broché de Martin Dugard
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Into Africa. The Dramatic Retelling of the Stanley-Livingstone Story
Opening a fascinating window on the golden age of exploration, a gripping re-examination of one of history's greatest legends.
'It is one of the most exciting stories in the annals of exploration, has one of the most extraordinary denouements, and gave rise to the wonderfully inept line, "Dr Livingstone, I presume?" Henry Morton Stanley's 1871 mission to rescue the good doctor in deepest Africa bas been told dozens of times before...yet the story is good enough to withstand retelling and Martin Dugard obliges with gusto...Dugard's focus is sot the search for the source of the Nile, but the characters and events that led to the famous meeting... lie weaves a tight and gripping narrative ... and his portrait of 19th-century Africa is vivid and convincing - you can feel the mixture of heart-stirring beauty and soul-stirring horror' Sunday Times
'Its great strength lies in taking a story you thought you knew well and telling you so many things of which you had no idea' Daily Mail
'Measured and assured. His researches have unearthed considerable material and he has assembled it with care... genuinely gripping, and will appeal to anyone with an interest in the history of exploration' Sunday Telegraph
'Fresh and vivid ...Dugard retells this great story very effectively' Sunday Express
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