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2002 de David Lodge
Thinks... - Photo 0


2002 de David Lodge
3,60 Neuf 9,13 €
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When philandering cognitive scientist Ralph Messenger meets recently bereaved novelist Helen Reed sparks fly on the campus at the University of Gloucester. Ralph knows he wants Helen; Helen finds him attractive but rejects his advances on principle. Each thinks the other is wrong - about this, and much else. In chronicling their passionate and argumentative relationship, David Lodge has written a dazzling comic exploration of love and deception, the enigmas of consciousness and the intricacies of the human heart.
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Biographie de l'auteur
David Lodge was born in London in 1935. He holds a doctorate from the University of Birmingham, where he taught in the English Department from 1960 until 1987, when he retired to become a full-tune writer. He retains the title of Honorary Professor of Modern English Literature at Birmingham and continues to live in that city. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, was awarded a CBE for services to literature and is also a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. David Lodge's novels include The Picturegoers (1960); The British Museum is Falling Down (1965); Out of the Shelter (1970); Changing Places (1975), for which he was awarded both the Hawthornden Prize and the Yorkshire Post Fiction Prize; How Far Can You Go?, which was Whitbread Book of the Year in 1980; Small World, which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1984; Nice Work, which won the 1988 Sunday Express Book of the Year Award and was also shortlisted for the Booker Prize; Paradise News (1991); Therapy, regional winner and finalist for the 1996 Commonwealth Writers Prize; Home Truths (1999); and Thinks... (2001). He has also written several books of literary criticism. Small World was adapted as a television serial in 1988 and David Lodge wrote his own adaptation of Nice Work, which won the Royal Television Society's Award for the best drama serial of 1989.
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  • Largeur : 13 cm
  • Épaisseur : 2.2 cm
  • Hauteur : 20 cm
  • Langue : Français
  • Auteur : David Lodge
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