État correct

Uniform Justice

Broché - 2004 de Donna Leon
Uniform Justice - Photo 0

Uniform Justice

Broché - 2004 de Donna Leon
État correct


Paiement sécurisé

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14 jours

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Service solidarité garanti

Bénéfices investis dans l’inclusion sociale


Uniform Justice

Neither Commissario Brunetti nor his wife Paola have ever much sympathy for the Italian armed forces, so when a young cadet is found hanged, at Venice's elite military academy, Brunetti's emotions are complex: pity and sorrow at the death of a boy close in age to his own son, and contempt and irritation for the arrogance and high-handedness of the boy's teachers and fellow students. The young man is the son of an ex-politician, a man of an impeccable integrity all too rare in Italian politics. But as Brunetti - and the indispensable Signorina Elettra - investigate further, no-one seems willing to talk, as the military protects its own civilians keep their own counsel. Is this the natural reluctance of Italians to involve themselves with the authorities, or is Brunetti facing a conspiracy of silence?
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