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Broché - 1999 de Frank McCourt
'TIS. A MEMOIR. - Photo 0


Broché - 1999 de Frank McCourt
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"That's your dream out now. That's what my mother would say when we were children in Ireland and a dream we had came true. The one I had over and over was where I sailed into New York Harbor awed by the skyscrapers before me. I'd tell my brothers and they'd envy me for having spent a night in America till they began to claim they'd had that dream, too... I appealed to my mother. I told her it wasn't fair the way the whole family dreams and she said, Arrah, for the love o' God, drink your tea and go to school and stop tormenting us with your dreams."

Angela's Ashes was a publishing phenomenon. Frank McCourt's critically acclaimed, lyrical memoir of his Irish-American childhood won the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critic's Circle Award, the Royal Society of Literature Award and the Los Angeles Times Award amongst others, and rapidly became a word-of-mouth best-seller, topping all charts world-wide for over two years. It left readers and critics alike eager to hear more about Frank McCourt's incredible, poignant life. 'Tis is the story of Frank's American journey from impoverished immigrant with rotten teeth, infected eyes and no formal education to brilliant raconteur and schoolteacher. Saved first by a straying priest, then by the Democratic party, then by the United States Army, and then by New York University - which admitted him on a trial basis though he had no high school diploma - Frank had the same vulnerable but invincible spirit at nineteen that he had at eight and still has today. And 'Tis is a tale of survival as vivid, harrowing and often hilarious as Angela's Ashes. Yet again, it is through the power of storytelling that Frank finds a life for himself. "It is only the best storyteller who can so beguile his readers that he leaves them wanting more when he's done... McCourt proves himself one of the very best" (Newsweek). 'Tis blesses readers with another chapter of McCourt's story, but as it closes, they will want still more.

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Biographie de l'auteur
Frank McCourt taught for thirty years in various New York City high schools and in city colleges. His play, The Irish and How They Got That Way, has been produced in New York, Boston, Chicago and Melbourne, Australia. He lives in New York.
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  • Largeur : 16 cm
  • Épaisseur : 4 cm
  • Hauteur : 24 cm
  • Langue : Français
  • Auteur : Frank McCourt
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